„Łysa Góra” in Dziwiszów near Jelenia Góra was discovered for the skiing by the indefatigable propagator of this sport and recreation – Mr Stanisław Rażniewski the graduate of the first age group of graduates of our Academy in 1949.
More than 45 years ago in this region a ski School and Sport Club Aesculap was established so as to train the children and youth (not only from doctor’s families as the name could indicate) in the skiing. In course of looking for a convenient place for schooling the attention was once drawn to a mountain situated northwards from Jelenia Góra, on the road towards the cities of Świerzawa, Złotoryja and Legnica.
The Ski School and Sport Club Aesculap is 45 years old / established in 1970 the founders of School are: Ms. Teresa Rażniewska, Mr. Stanisław Rażniewski and Ms. Danuta Koenig. The School and Club assure upbringing and training in Alpine ski. This is a long term activity basing on a systematic training of children and youth in mountain skiing, in the course of one, two or many seasons. The members of School and Club pay fees for training and are given:
Wide spreading the idea of skiing and promotion of the region
AESCULAP has made its sport facilities available for broad ski publicity. Easy for skiing mountain slopes, the possibility to ski on artificial snow, electrical illumination, good sanitary and catering conditions all this makes the Winter Sport Micro-station Łysa Góra – Dziwiszówpopular among many people from Poland and abroad. Also the communes of Je żów Sudecki and Góry Kaczawskie (Kaczawskie Mountains) are often presented in press and internet (internet service of Aesculap, Polish portals informing about ski resorts and snow conditions, regional and central Polish magazines, etc.). The Ski School Aesculap organizes several ski events having recreation and professional sport character every year. Our ski routes are wide, and are particularly suited to conduct the amateur competitions. Aesculappromotes the region also among numerous Polish ski instructors. As a member of SITN it has the possibility to wide spread information about its ski station in this society (printed advertisements in the pre season bulletin of SITN etc.). Integration of families taking part in activities of School and Club AESCULAP. Ski activities are mostly conducted on the area of Winter Sport Micro-station – ŁYSA GÓRA. The place enable the parents to see their children during training. The parents are easily ?infected” with the beauty of ski and in some time they start to learn this sport. Aesculap organizes family competitions every year. The children and their parents take part in them. A team may consist of father and son or daughter and mother and the result is a total of both times. We also organize ski fancy dress balls for the pupils and instructors.
Ms.Teresa and Mr.Stanisław Rażniewski and Ms.Danuta Koenig organize the first group of persons willing to learn ski. In the activities of the newly formed ski – school participated the workers of Polish State Sanatorium as well as their children – 10 persons. So the pupils in age from 7 to 42 years. This group was the root of the nowadays Ski School and Sudecki Club Sportowy Aesculap (Sudety Sport Club Aesculap). The name is derived from the ancient Greek symbol of medical care, which society dominated in the Ski School at its start. The ski trainings were conducted once a week then.
As a result of successful work of this small group of local skiers (the town Cieplice Śląskie Zdrój were not just then the part of Jelenia Góra) and growing interest in medical society, the school activity was getting pace. It was named ?The School of Skiing and Active Recreation Zdrowie (Health)”. The first statutes and work schedules were elaborated; pointing out that the school was an institution which trains and brings up.
The new name of School is: Ski School Aesculap in Cieplice Śląskie Zdrój. The statute was changed its new base was the framework statute for ski schools elaborated by
PTTK -KTN (Polish Tourist Association). The financial means for the school were defined – they had to be mainly the fees of its members. Thus the children from poor or numerous families had no possibility to learn ski. Then people commonly called this school as elite school. Its members mostly came from the medical care society. This season a new custom was introduced: to carry identical caps (called „aesculaps” ).
Next changes in the school activity. Formerly, still irregular activities of mountain tourism and „in-room” trainings before the season became obligatory. It was decided not to let the children to learn ski without the earlier „in-room” training. So the school season was two months longer in Aesculap (from October to the end of April). One of the forms of upbringing work became the competition lasting the whole school season. It was based on the principle that the children were assessed for ( points in plus or minus) behavior, friendly help; coming to the training at time, frequent presence in the school activities. They were regularly assessed for improvements. This competition improved the discipline, raised the activity and feeling of the sense of duty. The best skiers were awarded at the season end.
At that time a new tradition was started the exchange of ski equipment (internal school pre-season exchange, organized mainly during the „in-room” trainings where, the parents of Aesculap pupils exchanged the ski used by their children). Also cooperation with the Ski factory in Szaflary / Poland was started. The skis were purchased at a selling price, so as to enable the children to buy them cheaper.
– Aesculap began to organize winter camps in the mountain shelters. The first one took place in „Odrodzenie” shelter / Karkonoska Przełęcz (spring holidays, April 1974). Since then such camps became a part of training system. In the period 1974 – 1976 the plans to participate in sport competitions of groups trained in Aesculap were put in practice. The representatives of the school took part in various ski competitions such as: sport competitions of PTTK (Polish Tourist Association), Championships of Elementary and Secondary Schools, Cup of local Newspaper (Nowiny Jeleniogórskie) many times. Participation in those events was helpful in the development of individual techniques of skiers. The experience gained in these competitions was helpful later, when the older alumni of Aesculap were given instructor grades. It was quickly noticed, that for good function of the school there was a strong need for trained personnel. The alumni were sent to specialist ski courses of PZN. The first, who were given the instructor’s assistants grades were Astrid Koenig, Cezary Zahorski, Tomasz Rażniewski, Michał Rażniewski, Tomasz Kijanka, Aleksander Błachut. They also began to take part in Polish Competitions of Ski Instructors PZN. The first success was the second place of Cezary Zamorski (1976) and 5’th place of Astrid Koenig in individual age groups.
As a result of growing popularity of school and admission to young children it was decided to engage infant instructors. It must be pointed out, that at first the school admitted children from 7 years of age. Some time later even 6- and 5-year children were admitted too. It took many years of work with them for Ms. Teresa Rażniewska, Ms. Krystyna Szemplińska and Mr. Mieczysław Bogdaszewski; now this function is performed by Ms. Małgorzata Mierzwińska.
In autumn 1977 next important changes took place in Aesculap. The school became a part of PTTK structure, gaining thus the rights of local unit of PTTK both, as a club and ski school. Despite large interest the school took in the ski society of Jelenia Góra ( its activity range was distinctly growing) there was not possibility to solve the problem of premises. Aesculap had no office at that time. Practically its „office” was run in private flat of Mr. & Ms. Rażniewski. Such conditions did not encourage them to work and there was often a question mark over a new ski season.
Aesculap was granted the license of Polish Ski Association. This document states (citation): „This LICENCE NR3 of Department of Sport (…) of Polish Ski Association, licenses the program activity of the Ski School (…) in Jelenia Góra under the leadership of Mr. St. Rażniewski, according to the statute of PZN concerning the ski schools (…) in the season 1980/1981”.
Important period in the development of our organization. This was the year of establishment and registration of association called „Ski School and Sport Club Aesculap” with the residence in Jelenia Góra.
Mr. Stanisław Rażniewski describing the merit and program of this association (starting from 1982) writes: (citation) „Following the tradition and program of our School and Club from 1982 planned for 1983 and further, we establish that our association’s activity field is physical education and especially skiing as a discipline of common and qualified sport, enriched (in upbringing and pedagogical processes) with subjects of science, knowledge in the field of own land, protection and shaping of environment, life and work hygiene, ecology and spatial planning and economy” (end of citation). In this organizational shape, with this name Aesculap has been functioning by now.
In this period the school leadership was urgently looking for a good, safe place to conduct ski trainings. A small field square Polana – Wiciarka in Jakuszyce, where Aesculap had had its lifts for years, was not sufficient for a developing club. The place of search became Góry Kaczwskie (Kaczawskie Mountains) near Jelenia Góra, particularly the region of Dziwiszów Chrośnica and Łysa Góra. This is a fragment of History of Łysa Góra: (cit.) „The first tour of the members of Ski School and Club AESCULAP on Łysa Góra took place in 1982 . Due to the imposition of martial law in Poland the skiing in Karkonosze mountains became impossible and there was a need to look for other places to conduct the ski lessons. This was a breakthrough year in the activity of School and Club. At that time the idea to build a skiing base on Łysa Góra emerged” ( end of citation). In 1984 Aesculap moved its office to the first premise in its history. It was located at Matejki Str in Jelenia Góra .
The first rope lift called „Janosik” was installed on the slope of Ulimek in Dziwiszów. This was the beginning of ski base. The School does not need to seek more or less expensive solutions for training and tours boring ski trips ( for above one hundred of pupils) in Karkonosze mountains. At that time ( 1984 – 1987 ) the sportsmen of Aesculap begin to take part on ski competitions all over Poland. They were assisted by Mr. Janusz Pauli ( now lives in Austria worked one season in the School and Club), and Tomasz Rażniewski ( several years in a sport club MKS Karkonosze as a coach, worked two seasons in Aesculap, then went to Canada) and by Michał Rażniewski. At that time the School and Club were represented by the following sportsmen: Agnieszka Iwanow, Agnieszka Cymerska, Robert Guminiak, Artur Piątkowski, Patrycja Kalamus, Maciej Strawa, Grzegorz Bacior, oraz bracia Tomasz & Jaroslaw Markl. After successful regional starts began the central Polish competitions. The competition on the ski routes with the rivals from Zakopane or Bielsko caused that the Aesculap sportsmen were gradually improving their sport skills. Then they were still going to the Tatras to learn.
The office of Aesculap was moved to Wiejska Street in Jelenia Góra. It has been functioning since then by now at the same location.
The base in Jagniątków was established. Two plate – lifts were built in this place (the first one having the length of 140 m, the second 300 m ). They were built by the persons connected with Aesculap ( the parents of the pupils ) – Misters Mirosław Patronik, Zenon & Andrzej Palewicz and Antoni Kozik. The lifts could work there rather short and due to the snowless seasons in this place (Szerzawa Mount), this undertaking was dropped and the lifts moved to Dziwiszów. In this period the activity in qualified sport got pace. The sportsmen participated in the central competitions much more frequently than so far.
The material base of the school was enlarged a bus „Jelcz” 080, with 32 seats. The need to have own transport means was very strong. Some time later ( 1990 ) two more second hand buses ( „Tam” A11 T ) were purchased; one of them became the magazine of spare parts, and the second one served for the Club members during the sport trips. The building of the first T-bar lift on Łysa Góra was started. ( Production: FMP Fampa Cieplice Śl. /now PMPoland/ the construction was under the leadership of Mr. Bogdan Pawłowski and his construction team an with the help of other specialists.
In the previous years and in the beginning of the 90-ties quite energetically were organized the competitions for the children and youth, called „Laury”. They were taking place in winter places, all winter seasons long. Their patron was for many years the activist of the sport club MKS „Karkonosze” Mr. Bogdan Skowroński, associated by KOZN and other ski Clubs of Lower Silesia. A big contribution in organization of these competitions was given by Aesculap plenty of them took place in the its sport bases on its slopes, in: Jagniątków – Szerzawa, in Dziwiszów – Ulimka and on Łysa Góra ). The young sportsmen of Aesculap won a lot of top places in them.
The effects of several-year training work became visible. The sportsmen: Łucja Zgudka and Michał Kałwa got access to the country top team in the category youth. For example: Łucja won the alpine double competition on International Championships Schools Sport in Alpine Sports in Zakopane and Michał took there the fourth place .
1991 The first TV program in TVK DAMI. This year the realization of programs of the Ski School Aesculap were started. The films showing the information from the school and club activities were presented in monthly broadcasts. There have been continued by now for 12 years. This year the installation of snow machines was started on Łysa Góra. The former Ministry of Sport Michał Bidas, visited Łysa Góra.
In the years 1991 – 1994 the Aesculap sportsmen took part in International alpine ski competitions. High ranks in qualifying competitions and country rankings enabled our alpine skiers to go in the Alps and to conquer with the Europe and World top in such competitions as: Trofeo Topolino ( Italy), Pinochhio Sugli Finali e Internazionali Abetone ( Italy), Internationale Jugend-Winterspiele Tirol ( Austria ), Skofia Loka ( Slovenia ).
Great success of our sportsmen in prestige, world competitions Trofeo Topolino and Air Canada Whistler Cup. Piotr Kaczmarek won slalom giant in Italy and a slalom in Canada. Katarzyna Karasińska was two times the second. These results opened the way for „aesculapies” to further sport career. They became the start of the way to olympic team and team of Poland. In Italy after the competitions Trofeo Topolino the company Rossignol got interested in them, and they have been using the Rossignol ski by now. More about their results and career to be found on the sites: | | History of Sport.
– Further changes on Łysa Góra slopes. After the expiry of the contract on cooperation with the z Mining Construction Plant from Lubin ( the company was restructured and its name was changed to Przedsiębiorstwo Budowy Kopalń ) Aesculap purchased the fixed property and became the sole owner of them in the Microstation Łysa Góra. Further activities to develop Łysa Góra took place. Excellent results of our sportsmen in the central country and international competitions. Piotr Kaczmarek won all the competitions of the Championships of Poland in Ustronie and International Championships SMS in Zakopane. Katarzyna Karasińska won two gold medals in the Championships of Poland. In Air Canada Whistler Cup Piotr came the 3’rd in super giant and Kasia came to be the 5’th in the slalom.
The construction of the new lift – Tatra-Poma was started and finished on Łysa Góra. In the years 97 – 98 Kaczmarek and Karasińska repeated their excellent results from the previous season. Very good turned to be also Bartłomiej Wasileńczyk, who won the silver medal on Polish Olympic Games of Youth. The next year brought medals on Polish Olympic Games of Youth too. Kaczmarek won the gold, Wasileńczyk – silver. It’s worth noticing the participation of Bartłomiej Wasileńczyk in the World Championships of juniors. Our three sportsmen in Polish Sport Team .
– Piotr Kaczmarek won everything in Polish Olympic Games of Youth in Zakopane, Katarzyna Karasińska won: silver, bronze and gold medal. Bartłomiej Wasileńczyk – two silver medals and one bronze. Bartłomiej & Piotr, two times stood on sport dais in the most important competitions in Poland. On the International Championships of Poland of Seniors they came to be second and third- just behind Andrzej Bachleda Jr, whilst in the Memorial of Br. Czech Piotr won and Bartek came third.
The next investment on Łysa Góra. The building of the shelter was started. Excellent results of our instructors, instructor’s assistants and demonstrators on Polish Central Competitions of Instructor in Zakopane. The instructor assistants: Dominika Dworska came first, Katarzyna Seńko 4’th. Demonstrators: Magda Sosnowska 5’th place , Andrzej Piotrowski 7’th place , Piotr Ślawski 10’th place. Instructors: Joanna Seńko 8’th place, Wojciech Piotrowski 8’th place, Dominik Więckowski 10’th place. Individual starting groups were numerous. For example in the group of instructor’s assistants among women participated 120 sportswomen, and over 200 sportsmen. In the qualified sport: two persons in Polish Team: Katarzyna Karasińska i Piotr Kaczmarek. They took part in the Championships World of Juniors in Canada.
The season 2000/2001 was running under the banner of the congress of IVSI ( INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF AMATEUR SKI INSTRUCTORS IVSI – unites instructors involved in ski & snow sports ). On the slope of Łysa Góra took place the training of
Author: Michał Rażniewski
Translation from Polish: Mirosław Ludorowski
Teresa & Stanisław Rażniewski
Mr Stanisław Rażniewski & Mrs Teresa Rażniewska have been engaged in the upbringing and organization works in the framework of the Ski School and Club Aesculap since 1970. Thanks to their common interests, possession of inborn abilities to manage the people’s teams, the features of vocation teachers, the ability to support each other and taking difficult life decisions, they could start to widespread the idea of skiing in efficient way in Jelenia Góra. They chose a difficult way. Taking the children in the mountains is a responsible task. You must face many demands and expectations, know how to fulfill the needs of children and of their parents, which measures to use, in order to infect the greatest numbers of people with the white madness. And one thing at last, one of the most important aspects of doing this job. The choice of the place for the school activity, the one assuring fresh air, beautiful views as well as the possibility of safe schooling and having fun on the skis. For over ten years have the members of the Ski School wandered around the Sudety mountains, wasting time for arriving to various ski resorts, more or less distant from Jelenia Góra. Mr and Mrs Rażniewski decided to help the children, they were teaching the skiing. How? Well, to make the mountains closer to Jelenia Góra. To build ski lifts in places, where the skiing was still a white spot on the map. Club lifts available for each Aesculap member. Ladies and Gentlemen! There is such a place! Our enthusiasts chose a place not further than 10 kilometers from Jelenia Góra, – Łysa Góra mount, situated in the South Ridge of Kaczawskie Mountains. This place met all necessary requirements for the skiing to be safely practiced.
It did not take long from the first trips on the slopes of Łysa Góra mount and the team of engineers and technicians, the School Management members under the leadership of Mr Stanisław Rażniewski, started the preparations to implement the projects of lifts in the region of a village Dziwiszów. In 1985 the first lifts were built – in Dziwiszów on the slope of Ulimek ( the place directly adjacent to Łysa Góra mount). And in 1988 started the building of the first T-bar lift on Łysa Góra mount. The majority of works were accomplished with the help of public arduousness of the members and fans of the School and Club. With great effort, facing obstacles which seemed impossible to overcome.
Mr and Mrs Rażniewski spent long time on this mount. And … perhaps lost their health a little. But not gratuitously! Now the members of Aesculap arrive with their instructors by bus to the training in 15 minutes. On well serviced, artificially snowed ski – routes the skiing is a pleasure and comfort. Four lifts having total capacity of 2000 persons per hour ensure good skiing and fairly short time spent in the queues. There is somewhere to stop, rest and have some meal. For the amateurs of night skiing wait electricity illuminated routes.
The number of Aesculap members continually increased within the following few years as a result of good training work and systematic growth of its popularity. The number of people emotionally connected with the school (parents, grandparents, etc.) also significantly raised. Thus, still integrating community of Aesculap began to play a major role in the ski life of Jelenia Góra environment, which affected its development by propagating skiing. The school and club are now in.
All family members, especially those little ones on the ski runs, create a kind of nice climate by participating in the club’s life. Parents are much interested in their children’s progresses; they even become infected by the ski bug and start skiing themselves. There is also an event that shows signs of mutual warmth and affection as well as depth of friendship relations among the participants. It is called the FAMILY COMPETITION. As the name indicates, children and their parents take part in it. A family with the best total time in a giant slalom wins. The FANCY-DRESS BALL is another integrating event that is annually held in the club. Children, teenagers and adults dress up as bakers, smurfs, pirates, chimneysweepers, and as many other interesting characters.
Łysa Góra has become a traditional place for meetings. The opening and closing ceremonies of the ski seasons at Aesculap take place there as well as fires, coffee meetings for members and supporters of the school, and meetings for instructors. Social deeds in aid of the micro-station are also organized there. The attractive lands of the Góry Kaczawskie (the Kaczawskie Mountains) are conducive to hikes – one can take a walk from Jelenia Góra. Also, „Łysogórki” MTB races for amateurs have taken place on Łysa Góra recently.
It is nice to be a host of the centre – always at home. However, some cleaning and new investments are needed from time to time, too. Aesculap invests as much as possible; each zloty saved is spent to modernize the sports base, which generally makes the training activity possible in today’s times.
Łysa Góra seems to be irreplaceable when you look at the high prices in famous large ski centres or crowds of people on the ski runs in the Karkonosze (which is also connected with safety during the ski lessons given). On one hand, the school management is able to observe ski lessons given by instructors and control their work, and on the other hand – parents can always encourage their kids to more practice.
Although the founders of Aesculap faced numerous and insurmountable obstacles during the building works of the base, their systematic and hard work in developing and maintaining the base have started to bring visible results at last.
Ski School trainees and Aesculap Sudety Sports Club members have got an easier task today when planning their ski budget. As they are members of Aesculap, they pay much less for the lifts than they would normally do in other places.
Aesculap has made the sports base available to a lot of tourists. Friendly slopes, possibility to ski on artificial snow and at electric light, good catering and amenities as well as sanitary conditions – all that makes Łysa Góra Winter Sports Micro-station in Dziwiszów a place visited by more and more people. It is understandable that (due to its location) the majority of guests comes here from Lubin, Legnica and Wrocław. However, the first-rate objective of the centre is to change the routine of Jelenia Góra inhabitants, which means taking them out of their houses to fresh air in the mountains that are not far away from the town. It was not so long time ago when the inhabitants of Jelenia Góra spent their weekends in the Karkonosze. Now, they can go to the Góry Kaczawskie (the Kaczawskie Mountains), which is just a stone’s throw from the centre of Jelenia Góra. After all these years (this year it will be 35 years since the foundation of Aesculap) one can say that despite many obstacles the school had to overcome, Ski School and Aesculap Sudety Sports Club still exist and they are still needed for the community of Jelenia Góra. Over several seasons Aesculap stayed afloat only thanks to its financial independence, regardless of the conditions for sports and tourism development or political situation in Poland that time. Aesculap was an unusual formation as early as in the 70’s. Fees for teaching skiing were charged, while other subsidised clubs gave ski lessons for free. One could say that Aesculap was a precursor for many today?s ski clubs and schools in after-war Poland (in terms of fees for teaching and pedagogical care). Aesculap has contributed to the development of tourism in Jelenia Góra by its economic activity and investments made (ex. the micro-station). It is the true confirmation of the right direction Aesculap has taken. Existence of the school is closely connected with both the demand for ski services and the level of the services that the school offers. That is why during this 35-year period of work, Aesculap has always aimed to modernize and improve their services. As Aesculap takes care of a proper training quality, it has become the only school that provides services of high standard in Jelenia Góra. And „Łysa Góra” Winter Sports Micro-station enjoys respect not only of Jelenia Góra inhabitants, but also the tourists from both Poland and abroad.
Text by Michał Rażniewski
Supplement: Results of the poll carried out by Jarosław Bigosiński (of AWF Poznań) in 1993/94 season. The results are shown in his thesis titled „The Business Plan for Tourist and Recreational Development of 'Łysa Góra’ Winter Sports Micro-station”. Here is a citation of the thesis:
„People who live within a radius of 15 kilometres from the micro-station take advantage of its services twice a week or more. Those who live within a radius of 30 kilometres – twice a week or less, mostly on Saturdays and Sundays. Skiers from places that are located more than 30 kilometres away from the micro-station come here sporadically, usually just for a short, Saturday and Sunday’s ski outing, which they combine with family visits. However, they come here for a longer stay during the holiday time. They usually stay at their relatives or guest-houses then. „Łysa Góra” Winter Sports Micro-station is visited mostly by the inhabitants of Jelenia Góra – the city of 87.8 square kilometres and 93,048 inhabitants. Eighty per cent of the responders know what the micro-station on Łysa Góra is and how to get there. Ninety per cent of people who rest on Łysa Góra have got secondary or higher education. They are mainly white-collar workers and they usually go skiing along with their families or friends. They expect fun, sensations and relaxation as well as safety, ski runs properly prepared, low ticket prices and no queues at the lifts. Taking people’s expectations into account, equipment lending service, catering and amenities, possibility to hire an instructor and services available are ranked less important. Five hundred people have taken advantage of the slope of Łysa Góra in the season of 1993/94, including students of the school, club members, parents and instructors. They are these ones who take advantage of the micro-station most often and know the place best. The necessity of creating good catering and amenities with cheap buffet, comfortable sanitary conditions and development of ski lifts are of the first importance for them. The analysis of the empirical data collected in the form of the above mentioned poll gives us an answer to the question why the training participants have chosen that particular club. Forty per cent of the responders have replied that they made their decision due to the safety guaranteed. Thirty-five per cent of the responders made the choice at the instigation of their families or friends who are already members of Aesculap. Twenty-five per cent of the responders have stated that they chose the club and school since they could not find any offers from other clubs or ski schools. The main motives of people who are not associated with Aesculap, but who visit „Łysa Góra” Winter Sports Micro-station, are good organization and capacity of ski runs. It is satisfactory that as much as eighty per cent of the responders who are not associated with the club has taken the advantage of the centre on Łysa Góra more than twice this year. They constitute regular clients and such are much important to every enterprise.”
by Michał Rażniewski
Local and national press has given a wide coverage to Aesculap Ski School over 35 years of its activity. They have been articles of various character: starting with introducing the school (ski school) as a regional curiosity going through a range of articles about everyday work of Aesculap and ending with short mentions of sports results.
The photo essay of Nina Smolarz run in Polska Issue No 45(273) of 1997 was the first significant publication that propagated the school (owing to the newspaper’s wide range). The article was short, albeit meaningful, and one could compare it to the school curriculum that time. The following is the excerpt from the mentioned article: „[…] The are few who go in for competitive and professional sports. Millions support. However, there is a third form of sport, most favourable for a man, and it is called – PARTICIPATION. Aesculap Ski School has got 150 members at the age of 4-45. Parents sing up their children, observe their progresses, and later they also begin to like skiing and have the courage and… they finally become trainees themselves. They go into the mountains on every Sunday during the entire year, and they find happiness and have a good time together there […].”
Another article about the school was printed in IMT Światowid of December 1984, an illustrated tourist magazine. The photo essay of Kajetan Adamowski titled „Hu-hu-ha, it’s winter…” was published along with it. His comments under the pictures were in the similar tone as the one of the previous article. „[…] They simply disarm even these skiers who are uptight by waiting at the ski lifts. And you can always find a parent who queues instead of them. And then, here they are – kiddies with rosy cheeks bitten by frost. And you have to wait until each tot is on the top. Well, these kids ARE so nice that you cannot hurt them at all. They amusingly run down the slope. Once in Indian following a „mistress” or „mister” and repeating every evolution with such a grace. Another time -without ski poles, hand in hand. Easy? Perhaps you could try – the fun takes place on Mała Kopia … […]”
There have also been articles of serious contents. Wiesław Darkiewicz in Dziennik Polski of 13 March 1988 introduces Aesculap as an organization that fights for „[…] new development and spatial order of the mountain lands, which would bring a healthy man again into sound mountain nature of the 21 century […]”
Bogdan Mościcki in Gościniec (of 1 January 1988) also writes in his article titled „Winter Sports Micro-station” about the situation of tourism in Jelenia Góra province and the role that Aesculap plays in development of the region. The following short excerpts are HISTORICAL today, in its full meaning, since the majority of the plans mentioned have already been completed. „[…] Stanisław Rażniewski, vice-president of Aesculap and main animator of the activities mentioned here, says that the 450-meter long Jumbo-matic, located on the slope of Widok at the side of Chrośnica village, will get off the ground still this year. A T-bar lift (900 meters long) on the north-east slope of Łysa Góra, also at Chrośnica side, will be of second importance. The ski lift will be available in the forth quarter of 1988. A 1150-meter T-bar on the north slope of Łysa Góra (708 meters above sea level) is going to be the main ski lift in the area in the 90?s. {this project did not come into effect – M.Rażniewski’s note}. Thus, a lot of skiers may appear in Dziwiszów and Chrośnica in the winter season of 1988/89, not only for a couple of hours. […] The project of „Łysa Góra” Winter Sports Micro-station, encompassing the prospective summer-resort villages (Dziwiszów and Chruśnica), is an attempt to the economic revival of the two villages at the same time. If that happens, parking lots in Chrośnica and Dziwiszów must be built and the public transport from Jelenia Góra to Przełęcz Widok (Widok Pass) and Chrośnica must be provided. So far only PKS (National Transport Company) buses run but they hardy even run… […].”
Translation: Katarzyna Weryk
„Łysa Góra” in Dziwiszów near Jelenia Góra was discovered for the skiing by the indefatigable propagator of this sport and recreation – Mr Stanisław Rażniewski the graduate of the first age group of graduates of our Academy in 1949. More than 30 years ago in this region a ski School and Sport Club Aesculap was established so as to train the children and youth (not only from doctor’s families as the name could indicate) in the skiing. In course of looking for a convenient place for schooling the attention was once drawn to a mountain situated northwards from Jelenia Góra, on the road towards the cities of Świerzawa, Złotoryja and Legnica.
This choice was hitting the jackpot. A large northern slope of Łysa Góra mountain having the height of 700 m above sea level with a beautiful view of the Karkonosze mountains (from Śnieżka peak to Szrenica) was managed. The renowned winter resorts such as Karpacz or Szklarska Poręba are overcrowded in the winter season and frighten with the necessity of waiting in long queues and with quite high ski ticket prices, not To mention the lack of parking places, badly serviced roads and many other shortcomings, which many of us experienced ourselves. A certain counterbalance for them is the winter sport resort on Łysa Góra mountain.
Its value is firstly the access without bigger problems you can nearly always reach this place on a dry road from Jelenia Góra or Legnica. Secondly – the vast, always good prepared and safe parking for cars and buses. You can fasten your skis right on the parking and from there – reach the lifts. And thirdly, most important, are the skiing conditions. There are four lifts, two 900 meters long: a ?T-bar and a ?plate-stick lift, the third one is a plate-stick lift 700 meters long, and the fourth is a 300 meters long plate-stick lift for the children beginning their ski course and the last one is a 100 meters long lift for the smallest children. So, there is somewhere to ski for the advanced adults and for the beginners, as well as for the kids. At disposal are there three over kilometer long ski routes, well prepared by the ratrak working all the time. The routes are safeguarded with colored netting, and the lift pillars are covered with protection mattresses. The capacity of the lifts is so big, that in working days you can ski without a break. In the weekends the place attracts so many skiers, that you can have a rest in quickly moving queues. The skiing time is from 9 am to 10 pm, thanks to illumination of the slopes. The evening skiing, however a little more expensive, has its unique value and atmosphere. The lift personnel is fully qualified, kind, looks stylish in their elegant ski-suits. If need be (better not), there is a professional medical assistance, also ski instructor’s advice does not cost too much. It turns out, that not only German, Austrian or Frenchman but also Pole is able to carefully organize and efficiently manage the ski center. In large degree it is the work of Mrs Teresa Rażniewska, the president, who manages this winter complex with firm hand. This picture of ski center, friendly for the skiers and all willing to spend time in fresh air, in beautiful place, is completed with the catering places, and ski-service with ski rentals professional workshop enabling the repair, sharpening, smearing the skis, etc. Also the standard of toilettes (not high throughout Poland) deserves to be appraised. Taking all this into account, it’s worth while to visit this center on Łysa Góra mountain, both for the fans of mountain skiing and running skiing, as besides the downhill ski routes there are also running routes for the fans of wandering the hills and valleys. All this at quite moderate prices, affordable for student and pensioner.
So we invite you to Łysa Góra. You’ll not regret! You’ll see there a special kind of „Sabbath of witches” ( this time on the skis). These fabulously colored silhouettes of girls smartly moving on the slope. Eh! How their hips wave in the rhythm of slalom turns. When you get fatigued, you ground on ski sticks and look at their charming evolutions with genuine pleasure. I’ve been there many times, have had much skiing, and what I’ve seen and survived, I am telling You now. Let me add that there are hotel places in Dziwiszów in agro-tourist w farms. I’ve seen elegant prepared places, with free access to well equipped kitchen with gas, and hot water in the bathroom just like in Europe”. All this at quite moderate prices 25 złoty for one. However this information is a little late in this ski season, but the fans of pedestrian or bicycle wanderings, and all fans of spending time in the nature will succumb the temptation to visit those beautiful areas in the spring summer or fall. Besides, the next winter is ahead and of course many others.
Author: Ryszard Jezierski
From the archives: There used to be a sports club with a resonant name „Stal” (meaning 'steel’) in Cieplice. Stanisław Rażniewski held the position of Trainer-Coordinator there.
Stanisław Rażniewski, one of the most interesting figures of Lower Silesian sports, keen activist, former member of AZS Wrocław and Stal Cieplice, skier and tennis player, youth educator and coach. Now, he manages Aesculap Ski Club in Jelenia Góra. There are several anecdotes about Stasio’s eventful sports life. Here are just three of them:
Stanisław Rażniewski
Train Station in Jelenia Góra – meeting point of Stal members who go to Zakopane in order to participate in the National Ski Championship. In the case of being a team leader, Rażniewski obviously appears first. The others (Jan Maria Klamut, Egon Myśliwiec, Jan Bartkiewicz, Romek Oberstein) come a little bit later. They take their places on the train. Departure time comes near. A stationmaster blows a whistle and waves his green flag. The train leaves. Suddenly, one notices that Staszek is not in the compartment. „Look, look there,” one shouts, „Stasio is still standing on the platform.” Indeed, he became lost in conversation with a acquaintance of his and missed the train.
„He will take a taxi and catch us in Wrocław,” one says, „only this chase will surely involve all our travelling allowances. It won’t be easy with food in Zakopane.” Nevertheless, Rażniewski does not lose his head; he gets into a huge Humber (it was in the 50’s) and orders the taxi driver to go to Jaworzyna, instead of Wrocław. There, he joins his team. Everybody is happy as their allowances are partly saved.
* * *
Another trip to Zakopane; this time for a central competition. The journey to Kraków was trouble-free. Only the Kraków-Zakopane train was terribly crowded. But that was not a problem for the skiers. They simply put their skis and ski poles into a compartment, placed their rucksacks on their skis and took their random seats. Exhausted, they soon fell asleep.
Sportsmen from the Karkonosze stayed in FWP Belweder Holiday Camp in Zakopane. As Stasiu was the leader, he had some necessary waxes with him in his rucksack. Since he slept few hours on his rucksack taking it for a pillow, waxes melted and glued everything together inside. Carefully, Rażniewski pull out the clothes that were smeared with black sticky Swixes, Klisters and Hollmenkols. Only a pair of long johns 'survived’. No sooner had the fellows started to roar with laughter than they stopped doing it after hearing Stasiu’s question of what they would use to apply on their skis during the competition.
* * *
Again in Zakopane. Skiers from Stal practice jumps on Krokwia, and runners have their routes nearby. Downhill skiers goes everyday to Kasprowy Wierch and practice slaloms in both Gąsienicowa and Goryczkowa halls there. Rażniewski has got a downhill ride training scheduled on that day. As he has got a morning lift ticket to Kasprowy, he has to leave early. Moreover, a walk to Kużnice station also takes some time. Just before leaving he discusses the training details with his mates, takes the equipment and leaves quickly. „It is quite late,” one says, „but he still might catch the lift.”
At that moment, the door opens and Stasio comes bursting in, screaming: „Where are my poles? I took the wrong ones.” He gets the right poles and heads for the lift, accompanied by his wife, who has decided to see him off to Kuźnice. Preparations of skiers and runners are over. They are about to leave when the door opens again. Teresa is there. „Boys”, she says, „Staszek took my skis by mistake. Where are his?”
Andrzej Klamut
Anecdotes about sports and sportsmen: Gazeta Robotnicza, Issue No 12 (11996) of 16-17 January 1988
Photographs: from the archives of Stanisław Rażniewski
Translation: Katarzyna Weryk
CONGRESS OF IVSI IN ZAKOPANE 24.02 – 03.03. 2001
The members of our ski school were invited to the participation in the CONGRESS OF IE IVSI IN ZAKOPANE 2001. Our DEMO-TEAM counted 38 persons + 5 The skiers from Jelenia Góra presented themselves excellently on the slopes of Szymoszkowa (where this meeting of ski instructors from the whole world took place). On Sunday, the Polish day of the event also other DEMO-TEAMS from Poland were present. Namely: the hosts – instructors from the ski school Tatry-Ski, besides them the team from Malta-Ski from Poznań, Le-Ski from Wrocław and ATOMIC Funcarving Demo Team Poland.
The opening of the congress took place near the Hotel Kasprowy. All groups participating in the shows as well as the guests and publicity took part in the opening. The foreign guests were having their performances in the next days of the congress. Beside the shows also workshops for instructors were organized – during them the experience in the teaching of skiing were exchanged, also the international competitions of ski instructors were organized. But the most important, were the every day lectures about skiing theory, mountain safety, organization of skiing, methodology, modern audio-visual techniques in teaching. Polish lecturers played important role in this congress. For example Ms Ewa Powolny-Wyszkowska (with the cooperation of Mr Maciej Powolny) presented the lecture entitled: „Ski instructor as a teacher of not only movement activities”.
Mr Tadeusz Gospodarek presented analytically his „Multimedia in the teaching of skiing” with humour, and fluency. Mr Jacek Gracz had an interesting lecture entitled „Psychical amplifications in the teaching of skiing” and the senior of Polish skiing Mr Andrzej Ziemilski in his work „Certainties, which ceased to be certainties” humorously reported the process of ski techniques and modes passing by.
According to the newest trends of skiing a lot was spoken about carving. The Austrian delegation brought for the congress a new film. „Carving emotions” presenting this technique; The presentation took place in the hotel Kasprowy. It was presented by its author: Mr Fritz Waldherr. Now a few words about this congress of skiing (I cite the words of an Instructor – lecturer of PZN – professor Kazimierz Chojnacki). „…The INTERSKI Congresses constitute the most authoritative forum of thought exchange and presentation the skills connected with the skiing. The technical and methodical aspects were discussed, aiming at unification of skiing style, which was not easy task, due to the difficulties in reaching consensus on it of individual national schools, which prefer their own teaching solutions. Organizer of the Congresses of Ski Teaching was in the past and is nowadays the International Association of Ski Instructors (AIES), and they were held every two or three years…” (end of citation).
So far 16 congresses have been held by now. In various countries: at the beginning mainly in the Alps, later on also in Scandinavia (Sweden, Norway) and also in Japan, Canada and USA. No everyone knows that the International World of SKI visited Poland once. It happened in 1959 – in Zakopane. This was the 5’th congress of INTERSKI. In the years 1967-2000 ( following further professor Chojnacki) „… the development of sport skiing was always bringing about its wide spreading among the amateurs and the need for teaching. There was no difference this time, which is proven by lively activity of the Interski Congresses. For example the VIII Congress of INTERSKI in the USA (Aspen) in1968 enriched the traditional forms of performance by synchronic run, in which also women took part. The Austrians suggested then a long training course for the children, youth and adults, in the uniform methodical scheme on shortened skis.
Also the „snow gardens” for children were demonstrated. Aiming at uniformity of the style of skiing, the typical features for the two dominating schools: Austrian and French were defined… „(end of citation). At the end of the 70’s and in the 80’s a great deal of time of the congresses was devoted to the teaching of children and invalids, just then also the joyful skiing was born -a style which did not pay much attention to the technical requirements of skiing. Still popular was the synchronic run and various forms of high-mountain and sport skiing. Lately its renaissance is surviving the Scandinavian technique TELEMARK. But the hit of the last successive seasons has been of course the carving style. On the XVI Congress in Beitostollen in Norway the majority of performances was dominated by this new style and equipment. This year in Zakopane the carving ski were indivisibly dominating the on the slopes of Szymoszkowa. There was also a carving route arranged. All participants of the congress were able to try it.
Michał Rażniewski
I’ve made use of some excerpts of a new book (Brochure 1 – Library of Ski Instructor) by Kazimierz Chojnackie entitled. „Selected problems from the history of skiing ”
Translation from Polish: Mirosław Ludorowski
Twenty-two members of SITN-PZN with the chairman, Józef Wojciech Gajewicz, went to Austria in order to take part in the Congress. The group also included Demo Team, great team of skiers who have been active for two years now. There were 16 representative groups, including us, from various countries. Some shows, workshops, lectures and other events were organized there. Instructors from the entire world arrived in Lech. Let us remind you that the similar Congress took place in Zakopane in 2001. Polish skiing schools were invited that time. And our school was there as well. Children – participants and instructors of SN I SKS AESCULAP demonstrated synchronized skiing. The performance of Aesculap’s DEMO-TEAM was very well received. We received generous applause from the international audience.
Katarzyna Karasińska, born on 24. November 1982 in Wroclaw, Polish alpine skier, sportswoman of Ski School and the Sudety Mountains Sport Club 'Aesculap’ Jelenia Gora. The best Polish skier, who is taking part in the World Cup Skiing Championship nowadays. She took 16th place during the World Cup slalom championship in 2005 and finished the world championship in Are in 2007 in 21st place (after the end of the first run she was on a high, 11th position). Her greatest success up to now was taking 12th place on 29. December 2006 in a slalom in Semmering. She grew up on the slopes of Karkonosze and Kaczawskie Mountains. She’s been competing representing Aesculap’s team colours ceaselesly since 1987. Her first coach was Teresa Rażniewska and Piotr Wądołowski introduced her into the world of sport. Her further coaches were Jan Bisaga and Zbigniew Kamiński. Now she is being trained by Roland Bair from Austria. She owes a lot to her father, who is at the same time her manager and successfuly helps in developing the career of his daughter.
She has already qualified for the 30 world’s best World Cup slalom skiers. She did her best in Levi, Finnland (19.); Aspen, USA (20.); Semmering, Austria (12.) in 2006 and Zagreb, Croatia (16.). She is a specialist in slalom and in this competition she is achieving her best results. She’s been the member of the Polish national team for many years. She was many times the champion in slalom and giant slalom in Poland. She has to her credit the 2nd place in the unofficial children and junior World Championship in Italy 'Trofeo Topolino’. During the junior World Cup in Verbier (2001) she was sixteen. She is the winner of the European Cup in slalom in 2005. She qualified and took part in the Winter Olympic Games in Turin (2006). One year later she won the gold in slalom during the international student’s olympics in Bardonecchia (Italy). She is the inhabitant of Zgorzelec. She’s a student of physical education at the University of Kraków.
Translation: Anna Słowińska
About the Author
Michał Rażniewski, skier and PZN (Polish Ski Federation) instructor and lecturer, is also a photographer and a cycling and bicycle tourism enthusiast. He has been connected with the Ski School and „Aesculap” Sudety Sports Club since 1970, first as a student and later becoming an instructor himself. He teaches skiing and he is also an instructor trainer for ski instructors. He also photographs events from the above mentioned institutions. He has used both his work experience gained at „Aesculap” and photographic skills to make this internet service. He has been designing and updating the website since 2000.
Michał Rażniewski was born in Wrocław in 1953. He has lived in Jelenia Góra for 47 years. Michał has been photographing since 1981. He took the first pictures with his old Ercona bellows camera, which had he been still using at this time. Michał has started his interests in photography since the moment his daughter, named Joasia, was born. There was an obvious need to record her first steps, baptismal ceremony, birthday parties, and family walks down the paths of the Zabobrze housing estate. He was fascinated with black and white photography with its entire process of making pictures. He derived pleasure from having an influence on making the photographs – from capture to the finished prints.
Since 1985, Michał has been participating in meetings, exhibitions, Michał Rażniewskicompetitions, and outdoor air photography workshops held by Jeleniogórskie Towarzystwo Fotograficzne (Jeleniogórskie Photographic Association). He takes photos of landscapes and sports. Recently, he has been making internet photo galleries that include his so-far photographic achievements: photo essays from bicycle tours, documents and artistic photographs of Jelenia Góra’s surroundings. Michał publishes his photos on the Internet, since he finds that the best way to reach the audience. Using a computer, he has already sent hundreds of his photographs all over the world.